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"TSIATI" * | Apprenticeship and Hands-on Workshop on Traditional Timber Construction Techniques

completed project

2024-04-23_174402 (2).jpg

location: Frasta, Tzoumerka, Epirus

date: 02/09/2024 - 27/09/2024

tutors: Tryphonas Papaioannou and Dominic Taylor

photography/ drawings: Grigoris Koutropoulos (BLK), Giorgos Detsis, Pietro Radin

*Tsiati means roof in Kudaritika, which is the local sign language of the craftsmen.

The present call concerns the implementation of a double educational program titled "Tsiati | Apprenticeship and Hands-On Workshop on Traditional Timber Construction", which includes a professional apprenticeship for young craftspeople and a 12-day hands-on workshop, through which twenty-four (24) participants from Greece and abroad will contribute to the restoration works of the School of Frasta in Tzoumerka, a new research and education centre that Boulouki is developing in Epirus region, NW Greece.

The project focuses on traditional and sustainable timber construction, ranging from the raw material to specialised applications. At the same time, through an expanded public events programme, the project will also function as a hub for the exchange of knowledge and good practices around the interpretation, promotion, and protection of the rich heritage of timber in traditional construction. The aim is to achieve pluralism through the participation of researchers, professionals and groups from different countries, but also through awareness-raising and local community involvement.


(A) Apprenticeship for young craftspeople-carpenters

The 4-week apprenticeship program is addressed to four (4) young professional craftspeople-carpenters, who will work under the guidance of experienced craftsmen-trainers. During the apprenticeship, the two roofs of the former school building will be completely restored and renovated, as well as new construction of two lofts. The apprentices will be provided with accommodation and receive a wage of EUR 50/day, as well as relevant insurance (total of EUR 1.000 net). 


The criteria on which the selection will be based can be described as follows:

  • Age: The call is open to candidates up to 45 years old.

  • Experience & motivation to participate: Working experience with timber and traditional crafts will be positively considered.

  • Locality: The call is addressed to craftspeople from all over Greece, however priority will be given to applicants from the region of Tzoumerka and Epirus.


The program includes:

  • 20 days of paid work (8 hours Monday to Friday) on a restoration and renovation project.

  • Participation in the workshop training activities described below.


Important information and dates

Available positions: 4. 

Application deadline: 30 June 2024

Notification of acceptance: by 7 July 2024

Apprenticeship duration: 2 - 27 September 2024

Location: Frasta, Tzoumerka, Epirus, Greece


Wage and benefits

50 EUR/day + insurance (1000 EUR net) and accommodation.


(B) 12-day hands-on workshop

The 12-day hands-on workshop is addressed to twenty (20) professionals and students from the fields of construction, architecture, art, cultural heritage, environmental and humanities studies, as well as non-professionals interested in craftsmanship, traditional architecture and natural building. The workshop will combine theory, seminars and practice, while supporting the apprenticeship project.


The program icludes:

  • 10 days of practical training in sustainable building with timber through a restoration and renovation project. 

  • 15 lectures, presentations and demonstrations by renowned researchers and practitioners on timber, regarding sustainability, construction, heritage and contemporary approaches. The invited speakers include experts and professors: Eleftheria Tsakanika, Ioannis Kakaras, George Mantanis, Rigas Tsiakisris, Kalliopi Stara and Stergios Tampekis.

  • One-day excursion to sites of architectural and cultural interest in Ioannina.

  • Conference-day on vocational training in timber and traditional building techniques.


Important information and dates

Available positions: 20. 

Application deadline: 30 June 2024

Notification of acceptance: by 7 July 2024

Workshop dates: 16 - 27 September 2024

Location: Frasta, Tzoumerka, Epirus, Greece


Participation fees

550 EUR for accommodation in a triple hotel room, with breakfast included.

250 EUR for camping.

50 EUR for permanent residents of the Municipalities of Central and Northern Tzoumerka (accommodation not included).

The costs include participation in the workshop, accommodation in a triple hotel room (breakfast included) for 13 nights in Tzoumerka (arrival on Sunday 15.09.2024 and departure on Saturday 28.09.2024), a snack per day provided during the fieldwork, the provision of tools and educational material, liability insurance during the fieldwork and transport within the programme. Travel expenses to and from Tzoumerka and all other personal expenses are covered solely by the participants.



Apprenticeship for young craftspeople-carpenters 

  • 2 - 27 September 2024

  • 4 positions

  • Work days Monday - Friday, 08:00 - 16:00

  • Accommodation provided

  • Wage 50 ευρώ / day + insurance

  • Participation in the educational activities of the workshop

  • Application deadline 30 June 2024

Apply here for the apprenticeship.

12-day hands-on workshop

  • 16 - 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

  • 20 positions

  • Participation fees

    • 550 EUR for accommodation in a triple hotel room, with breakfast included.

    • 250 EUR for camping.

    • 50 EUR for permanent residents of the Municipalities of Central and Northern Tzoumerka (accommodation not included).

  • Application deadline 30 June 2024

Apply here for the workshop.



ph: 211 1828348

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